Family Mediation Specialists

We offer you a FREE telephone consultation with one of our Mediators to discuss your needs

Family Mediation provides a safe environment for individuals to explore their issues of family breakdown. The process aims, with the assistance of an impartial, qualified Mediator to assist the parties to a point where they are fully informed such that they are enabled to make long term and practical decisions about their situations. Commonly these situations are related to financial issues with regard to division of property or other assets within the divorce or separation process, but may also relate to the arrangements for children

Family Mediation provides a safe environment for individuals to explore their issues of family breakdown. The process aims, with the assistance of an impartial, highly qualified Mediator to assist the parties to a point where they are fully informed such that they are enabled to make long term and practical decisions about their situations. Commonly these situations are related to financial issues with regard to division of property or other assets within the divorce or separation process, but may also relate to the arrangements for children

Once the individuals have made their decisions the Mediator will assist them in working through whether they are practical. The Mediator can then draft documents that may be taken to an independent Solicitor, where, if the parties choose, they can be put into a draft order that can be made binding.

The number of sessions depends upon the issues, at this service we are very keen to keep appointments to a minimum. We work in a very solution focused manner to keep costs down. If there are financial issues the Mediator may see you for around two or three sessions, but for issues only involving children it will more commonly be only one or two. The Mediator will work with the parties at a pace that they can manage. Completed mediation usually takes anything from 2 weeks to 4 months.

Mediation is free for anyone who is eligible for legal aid (you can check out your own eligibility on the ‘Useful Links’ page). The Mediator will make an assessment at the first meeting to determine each party’s eligibility. If a party is not eligible for legal aid then that party pays separately on an hourly rate, this will be fully explained before Mediation begins or contact us for more information. In any event mediation usually costs less than a tenth of the cost of a court battle, and the feedback we have is that we are a highly cost-effective service.

Not necessarily, however legal advice can still be a very important part of the process of divorce or separation and the Mediator will always recommend that before proposals are documented the parties each receive independent legal advice. The Mediator will be able to provide the individuals with information as to the legal process and the factors that they should be giving regard to, however the Mediator will not personally advise the individuals.

At the first individual meeting the Mediator will ask you some questions to try and understand the dynamics of your particular relationship. Mediation can help enormously with communication, however it is not always appropriate but as long as no-one is at risk of harm the mediator will provide the option of meeting in separate room from your ex-partner if absolutely necessary. At this service we find the model of ‘shuttling between clients’ extremely effective. 

I just wanted to thank you for your patience in the session and apologise for how difficult it was.  I have to say that I think you worked miracles to get us to a point where we seemed to walk away with an agreement, you are very well suited to Mediation!

Thank you so much for your mediation services today. You are a lovely person and very understanding and put me at ease and I would recommend you if I know anyone that needs your services

We spent a great deal of money and made very little progress battling with Solicitors and so were both surprised and relieved to come to Mediation at the end of last year and in two sessions come to a position of full resolution on all of the financial aspects of our divorce settlement. I would recommend this service because the Mediator was able to help us to be pragmatic and find a solution that worked for both me and my soon to be ex-wife.